Teapioca International Z


Marketing | Premium Tea Canister Labels

Announcements / March 19, 2024

Hello all!

We are deploying our new Premium Tea labeling system. You should receive the labels through Teaverse with your next (or most recent) order. This new labeling system will help make customers more aware of our Premium Tea offerings, help bobaristas identify teas easier and quicker, and provide a fresh new look to our tea canisters!

The QR codes at the bottom of each label take you to a webpage that provides more information about each tea for the customer, or whoever is curious. These webpages are not fully ready yet, however, so please refrain from directing customers there until we send out another announcement.

Place labels at the BACK of the canister so the latch does not obstruct any wording. Canisters will be displayed on the shelves with the label facing outwards to the customers.

We hope you find the new labels helpful and informative! As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your cooperation!
