Teapioca International Z


Administration | 2024 Phase Out Products

Announcements / December 4, 2023

Dear Franchisees,

One of our main themes for 2024 will be to make our products and inventory move. Based on your feedback that there are products that take longer to sell than others which leads to expiration as well as products simply not being as popular as others, we plan to begin phasing out and discontinuing some products.

In May of 2024, these products will be discontinued from our menu:

Yogurt Bursters
Carrot Juice

REMINDER – No Durian SNOWYN(we are keeping Durian Smoothies, but do not make the Durian Snowyns. You should already have the updated menus with Durian Snowyn removed.)

Please read more in the Knowledge Base here – https://kb.teapiocaintl.com/en_US/annoucement/may-2024-phase-out-products