Teapioca International Z


Administration | Stay Informed with These Updates!

Announcements / November 6, 2023

Dear Franchisees,

Happy Monday! Here are some friendly reminders and announcements to start off your week:

1. To improve on our notification system and the coordination between you all and TPI, all of our notifications will now be published on these sites to give you multiple places to references our announcements:

– TPI Knowledge Base: https://kb.teapiocaintl.com/en_US/annoucement
– Slack: the notifications will be published into #announcement channel
– Franchisee Portal: https://z.teapiocaintl.com/category/announcements/
– Email

Please ensure to review all of our announcements/notifications since they contain very important information.

2. Please Review the NEW IT Support Pipeline: Enhanced IT Support Process – Teapioca Franchise (teapiocaintl.com)

3. CONGRATULATIONS to Vicky and Quan Nguyen on the Opening of the first Teapioca Lounge in Oviedo, Florida!

Thank you all.